Sunday 12 December 2010

Today we will be reviewing in my eyes on of the worst games to be released in 2010.... 
 Thats right ppl its Medal of Honor for the PC. This pile of steaming crap released on allmost every console avaliable was just so horrible i mean come on i loved the orignal games and to be honest with u i was also one of the few of got hyped up about this game but in the end it failed to ever amuse me. I sat through this game to complete in all but 2 days but i found it so horrible i will shortly take you through why i found it so bad but lets start with the obvious.
  • Graphics : Now dont get me wrong the graphics in this game is amazing so of the effects blow u away but to be honest is this all its got running for it. I was running this in near to full spec and in nvidias 3d which in a way looks amazing so i have to give its due for looking like a great game but i think this is the only reason why ppl brought it.
  • Gameplay: NO one in the world should get me started on the control method in this game ITS HORRIBLE..... i mean when i played modern warfare i expected the control system to be allmost the same but its totterlly flipped on its head. The game moves way to fast and doesnt give you time to think and as for looking down the iron sights well it was ssssooooooo fucking stupid i mean i have a 2000dpi mouse and it was still way too sensitve even for that. The keys make ur fingers break and i know im ripping the pc version i mean the console versions could be ok but i think its another bad import for the PC so if you play it please use a game pad even i resorted to one.
  • Lastability: Lets be frank i know you must of all picked up and played the orignal ones again i know i did. I had to resort to doing that to clean my self from playing this turd of a game i brought this and now regret even playing or buying it for that matter so now it sits on my game self collecting dust how nice lol. 
  • Voice acting or Dubs: well to be honest im not all too worried what the game sounds like as long as it sounds like im in the middle of a firefight or a war and i have everyone shouting at me. For me this game just doesnt cut the grade they make the americas sound stupid and it doesnt even feel intense like im actually playing the game i admit they carnt get everything right but it sssssoooo sucks balls and trust me if u felt like you want to be spoken to by some sargent who sounds like hes drunk then be my guest but it wasnt for me. 
All in all i can clearly say i wont be coming back to this game again thats for sure all of this game is bad apart from the graphics and i think its all EA and DICE sold this on and it didnt deserve a midnight opening as it got i didnt go to it but i was suckered in and i dont know what it was like on the console but i lent this game to a couple of friends and even they turned round and told me this game should be sunk like the titanic. How has EA turned a decent title and ruined everything about it thanks EA for just another cock UP!

My overall rating of this shamefull of a title is a whopping:
